

I started my career as stage management in the theatre before training to be a teacher.

I had a short spell in a secondary school before settling into the primary age range, eventually becoming a deputy head.

I started writing songs and musicals for my school and was spotted by a production company who contracted me to write the music for a two part series about horses for Channel 4.

Eventually I left teaching and took onboard several projects including writing and recording for BBC schools radio, an international reading scheme, work for various publishers of material for primary schools and also an extensive music scheme for Worcestershire County. I was also writing and recording for ITV.

I started a business called MEW (Music in Education Workshops), and took music workshops around primary schools, days which culminated in an improvised musical. Great fun.

Over the years I amassed quite a few musicals for primary age children, and started to sell them nationally myself. MEW offered schools scripts, scores and CDs with children singing the catchy melodies.

Several years ago, at sixty nine, I retired, and the selling of my musicals was taken over by a company called Musicline. You can find their link below, and, of course, should you be a primary school teacher, you might like to buy one for your school.

This website is one of my hobbies. I have included quite a lot of old, (some of it very old!!), unpublished material, and some new in the hope that some primary aged children, (and perhaps other members of the family), might enjoy passing a few minutes listening to my often humorous songs and stories.

I hope to be adding new material for a very long time to come.

My Music

I use an Apple Mac with a midi keyboard to compose and record my songs and stories.

Very occasionally I might use a real guitar, but most of the time the sounds I use are generated by the computer, and I just arrange them how I want using a program called Logic Pro. It never ceases to amaze me.

Of course computer generated sounds can never be as realistic as real life instruments, but they can sometimes get fairly close … and of course, there are different levels of investment in IT equipment and software that can make things almost indistinguishable. I don’t attain to those levels!!

If you are interested, take a look at the video section at the bottom where I try to explain how I go about constructing a song.


Ruby and the Rat Pack have entered a dance competition. There is great excitement behind the skirting board … well they can’t hold the competition in the open … too many cats. Can’t have too many sequins though.

Will they win, won’t they win? Have a guess.

Want to listen to these great stories and songs for Key Stage 1 ?

SIMPLES Just scroll down the website to ‘Listen and Look’, click on ‘Key Stage 1’and there they all are at the top.

As it says … SIMPLES.

Ruby and the Rat Pack have entered a dance competition. There is great excitement behind the skirting board … well they can’t hold the competition in the open … too many cats. Can’t have too many sequins though.

Will they win, won’t they win? Have a guess.


Mouse in a Mirror

Maisy the mouse had never seen a mirror before. As she moved her arms and legs she thought that this other pretty little mouse she just met was just being a copycat … or copymouse.


Want to listen to these great stories and songs for Key Stage 1 ?


Just scroll down the website to ‘Listen and Look’,                                          click on ‘Key Stage 1’and there they all are.

As it says … SIMPLES.


What a treat. A two parter for Keystage 2 … how exciting.

Jane Blonde, OOPS, (Principal Spy), licenced to watch TV, takes on a mission to stop Walter Wurly, (Curly Wurly), from ridding the world of chocolate. Let’s hope Jane doesn’t Fudge it.

My Music

I use an Apple Mac with a midi keyboard to compose and record my songs and stories.

Very occasionally I might use a real guitar, but most of the time the sounds I use are generated by the computer, and I just arrange them how I want using a program called Logic Pro. It never ceases to amaze me.

Of course computer generated sounds can never be as realistic as real life instruments, but they can sometimes get fairly close … and of course, there are different levels of investment in IT equipment and software that can make things almost indistinguishable. I don’t attain to those levels!!

If you are interested, take a look at the video section at the bottom where I try to explain how I go about constructing a song.

Listen & Look

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